Archive for os-x

PyGLy steps into the future

Posted in Development, PyGLy, Twisted Pair with tags , , , , , on 2012/09/21 by Adam Griffiths

I’ve been working quite heavily on PyGLy for the last few weeks and I’m incredibly pleased to announce that PyGLy is now OpenGL 3 clean!

It took more work than I hoped. Not because of PyGLy (it was already pretty good), but Pyglet’s OpenGL Core (3+) support on OS-X, is well… broken.
I had to integrate a patch written by someone else and patch out 2 of the window event handlers.
The main reason for this is that OpenGL Core on OS-X is limited to 3.2, and is Core only (no legacy compatibility).
These changes can be found in my Github repository.

Pyglet isn’t without it’s problems. It is quite heavy weight in places. There is no support for float or 1D textures.
Other problems are it’s usage of legacy calls. These are scattered throughout the code base and prevent me from using even the Label or VertexList classes.
I would LOVE to help with the development of Pyglet… but I find the code… very confusing.
It’s got a fair amount of abstraction. Tracing even a vertex buffer blows my mind.

Regardless, I hope these issues will be fixed soon.

Getting Cocos 1.x / Kobold2D to work with the latest CocosBuilder

Posted in Development, How To, Programming, Rant with tags , , , , , on 2012/03/30 by Adam Griffiths

CocosBuilder is a brilliant tool that helps you rapidly develop Cocos2D applications.

But the latest versions require the Cocos 2.x branch.

Some of us are stuck with Cocos 1.x for the time being. So let’s figure out how to get things going.

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Install GCC with XCode 4.3

Posted in How To with tags , , , , on 2012/03/21 by Adam Griffiths

XCode 4.3 removed GCC from the default installation. To get it back simply do the following:

  1. Run XCode
  2. Select XCode -> Preferences -> Downloads -> Command Line Tools -> Install

Voila! GCC is now installed and libraries such as PIL will once again install.

Installing Kivy on OS-X from PIP and Homebrew

Posted in How To, Programming with tags , , , , , on 2012/03/19 by Adam Griffiths

Begin by following this guide to get your python environment setup.

If you aren’t using virtualenv, then feel free to ignore those commands (mkvirtalenv, cdvirtualenv).

Remember to run ‘brew’ commands as the current user and not root.

Install SDL

brew install sdl sdl_image sdl_mixer sdl_ttf smpeg portmidi

Install Mercurial to gain access to PyGame repository.

brew install mercurial

Create a virtual environment to work in

mkvirtualenv kivy

Install our Kivy dependencies and then finally, Kivy itself.

pip install cython
pip install pil
pip install hg+</pre>
pip install kivy

If you don’t install PIL or PyGame, you will get errors such as this

(kivy-test)Vibur:kivy-test adamgriffiths$ python src/ 
[INFO   ] Kivy v1.1.1
[INFO   ] [Logger      ] Record log in /Users/adamgriffiths/.kivy/logs/kivy_12-03-19_4.txt
[INFO   ] [Factory     ] 102 symbols loaded
[WARNING] [Image       ] Unable to use <pygame> as loader!
[WARNING] [Image       ] Unable to use <pil> as loader!
[WARNING] [Text        ] Unable to use <pygame> as textprovider
[WARNING] [Text        ] Associated module are missing
[WARNING] [Text        ] Unable to use <pil> as textprovider
[WARNING] [Text        ] Associated module are missing
[CRITICAL] [Text        ] Unable to find any valuable Text provider at all!
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "src/", line 2, in <module>
     from kivy.uix.button import Button
   File "/Users/adamgriffiths/Workspace/VirtualEnvs/kivy-test/lib/python2.7/site-packages/kivy/uix/", line 38, in <module>
     from kivy.uix.label import Label
   File "/Users/adamgriffiths/Workspace/VirtualEnvs/kivy-test/lib/python2.7/site-packages/kivy/uix/", line 94, in <module>
     from kivy.core.text import Label as CoreLabel
   File "/Users/adamgriffiths/Workspace/VirtualEnvs/kivy-test/lib/python2.7/site-packages/kivy/core/text/", line 520, in <module>
 AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'register'

Installing Virtualenv and Pythonbrew on OS-X

Posted in How To, Programming with tags , , , on 2012/03/19 by Adam Griffiths

This post will help you get Pythonbrew and Virtualenv installed on OS-X. Two important libraries for Python development.

  • Pythonbrew lets you install multiple python installations without affecting your system’s Python install.
  • Virtualenv lets you set up isolated python installations and modules for each project.

Begin by installing Pythonbrew

# install pythonbrew locally
# do NOT install to your system python directory
curl -kL | bash

Install your desired Python versions

# get a list of available python versions
python list -k

# install desired python
# force the install as python fails some tests at the moment
pythonbrew install <VERSION>
pythonbrew use

# should print out
python --version

# virtualenvwrapper must be installed for each python version
pip install virtualenvwrapper

You can install virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper into the system Python, or into your newly installed python.

# install into system python
# do this if you plan to use the system python as default
sudo pip install virtualenv
sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper

You can install virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper into the system Python, or into your newly installed python.

# install into pythonbrew installed python
# do this if you want to over-ride the default python installation
pythonbrew switch <VERSION>
pip install virtualenv
pip install virtualenvwrapper

Add support for Pythonbrew to bash by adding the following to the end of your ~/.bashrc

Follow this guide if you want to make your .bashrc modular.

# Python definitions

# Pythonbrew
# add pythonbrew support
if [[ -s $HOME/.pythonbrew/etc/bashrc ]]; then
source $HOME/.pythonbrew/etc/bashrc

Add virtualenvwrapper support to ~/.bashrc

# Python definitions

# Virtualenvwrapper
# virtualenv wrapper support
export WORKON_HOME=~/Workspace/VirtualEnvs

if [[ -s /usr/local/bin/ ]]; then
source /usr/local/bin/

# tell pip to only install inside virtualenvs

# make pip use the virtualenv dir

# add pip bash completion
# use eval to avoid the error "Could not find an activated virtualenv (required)."
eval `pip completion --bash`

Close the terminal and re-open it to reload your .bashrc.

When creating Virtualenv environments, virtualenv will use the currently set Python install.

If you wish to use a Python install other than the current system install, run the following command before running mkvirtualenv.

pythonbrew use <VERSION>

Note: I’ve found that virtualenvwrapper has stopped obeying this. To force virtualenvwrapper to install a specific version, do the following.

pythonbrew use <VERSION>
MY_PYTHON="$(command which python)"
mkvirtualenv -p $MY_PYTHON <NAME>

Some basic Virtualenvwrapper commands:

  • mkvirtualenv PROJECTNAME – create a new virtualenv project.
  • workon PROJECTNAME – enter the virtualenv for the project.
  • deactivate – stop working on the current virtualenv project.
  • cdvirtualenv – change to the directory of the current virtualenv project.

If you need to add environment variables to your project, edit the ‘bin/postactivate’ file inside the virtualenv directory. This file is executed when the ‘workon’ command is run and can be used to add more paths to $PYTHONHOME and other useful commands.

Animation support for CCTMXTiledMap

Posted in Development, Programming with tags , , , , , on 2012/03/07 by Adam Griffiths

I spent today learning Objective-C and working on a small module for one of our up and coming projects.

The outcome of this was CCAnimatedTMXTiledMap. A class that adds animation support to CCTMXTiledMap in Cocos2D-iphone / Kobold2D.

Twisted Pair are true believers in support Open Source and as such we’ve published the source code to our Github repository.

Installing Pyglet in Mac OS X

Posted in Development, Platforms, Programming with tags , , , , , on 2012/02/21 by Adam Griffiths

Pyglet is a common requirement for many Python applications, a major one being Cocos2D.

But it doesn’t work out of the box. Running a Pyglet application will result in the following error:

OSError: dlopen(/System/Library/Frameworks/QuickTime.framework/QuickTime, 6): no suitable image found.  Did find:

/System/Library/Frameworks/QuickTime.framework/QuickTime: mach-o, but wrong architecture

/System/Library/Frameworks/QuickTime.framework/QuickTime: mach-o, but wrong architecture

The following are the steps to take to get Pyglet and PyObjc installed on OS-X (tested with 10.7 Lion).

Pyglet 1.1 uses the Carbon framework, but this is not compatible with 64-bit Python installs. The Pyglet 1.2 branch has been modified to use Quartz, but no releases of this branch have seen the light of day (sigh). We must instead install Pyglet from the Mercurial repository.

The Quartz bindings require the use of PyObjc but the latest versions do not work with Pip. The patches to PyObjc’s that I’ve seen on the internet do not work for me. The following is the only method I’ve had work.

Remove any existing Pyglet install

pip uninstall pyglet

Install Pyglet from the repository

pip install hg+

Edit: The following is no longer needed

We need to install PyObjc for the new Pyglet Quartz API. But PyObjc is horribly broken and the latest version does not install with Pip or easy_install.

We must instead install an older version.

pip install pyobjc==2.2

You should now have a working Pyglet installation.

Making .bashrc modular (and awesome)

Posted in How To, Platforms with tags , , on 2012/01/26 by Adam Griffiths

.bashrc files quickly get complex.

Putting them into revision control is handy for persistance, but not always the best for sharing when not everyone has the same environment.

So lets fix that! Continue reading

Installing Python with pythonbrew on Mac OS-X

Posted in How To, Programming with tags , , on 2012/01/16 by Adam Griffiths

Virtualenv, virtualenvwrapper and pythonbrew are fantastic tools for developing with Python.

Using Pythonbrew to install Python on OS-X triggers some failures which prevent it being installed.

Continue reading

Shock goes Open Source

Posted in Development, Shock, Twisted Pair with tags , , , , , , on 2011/12/04 by Adam Griffiths

Today marks a historic day for Twisted Pair, as we release the full source code to the Shock C++ Cross-Platform library.

The project files and Socket module are currently missing.

When I get time, I’ll take a day to create the project files for MSVC, Eclipse and XCode.

Look out for PyGLy, our Python graphics library, on GitHub soon.

Installing OS-X Snow Leopard in VirtualBox 4.1.8

Posted in Platforms with tags , on 2010/11/27 by Adam Griffiths

Installing OS-X Snow Leopard is reasonably trivial once you have the right guide. There is a lot of mis-information out there regarding the installation process and it’s taken me a long time to find one that works. I used this one and it works perfectly.

The latest versions of VirtualBox have good EFi support and no longer need Hackintosh or bootloader hacks to get OS X installed.

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